How do you ship your insulated PEX pipe?

Our insulated PEX pipe is always shipped via Less Than Truck Load (LTL semi truck). We use various carriers depending on your location.

Residential deliveries must be accessible to the large semi truck. If not, you will need to make other arrangements with the freight company. They will usually call you to schedule a residential delivery, which may delay the delivery by one day. You must provide a phone number where you can be reached for this purpose. If you cannot take delivery at your residence you will have to make arrangements with the carrier to meet you where you can, or pick it up at the terminal. Best practice is to make arrangements with local business with a dock.

A lift gate is not included in shipping. It's your responsibility to have equipment or people who can lift the insulated pipe off of the semi. The semi driver is not required to help you unload your order.

When you receive the insulated PEX carefully inspect it looking for damage, paying particular attention to any place that the shrink wrap may have been compromised. Do not accept a damaged roll of PEX pipe. Once you accept the shipment the carrier cannot be held responsible for any damage.

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